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Mērķi un uzdevumi
Popularizēt Taku-O, kā vienu no aktīvās atpūtas veidiem.
Radīt līdzvērtības un vienotības gaisotni starp cilvēkiem ar dažādām fiziskajām īpašībām.
Dot iespēju ikvienam personīgi izvērtēt savas orientēšanās un kartes interpretācijas spējas.
Noskaidrot absolūti spēcīgāko Taku-O sportistu.
Noskaidrot precīzākos orientieristus TempO sacensībās.
Time, place and programme
The competition is held the “Klajumi” Krāslavas novads X:691768; Y:6195405; Lat:55.8659324; Lon:27.064734308 July
09 July
10 July
Competition is organized by OK Kāpa and society TACIŅA. Event Director - Zita Rukšāne, mapper and course planner – Atis Rukšāns, controller Zita Rukšāne.
Competition is open. Anyone who wants can take part in Elite and beginners groups.
E – elite group.
B – beginner’s group.
Terrain and distances
Pre-O 1-st distance: forest mostly coniferous, lots of young forest.Relief forms large and medium, good visibility.Unpaved roads.Max climb10% - 70m. 1,5 km 22-26 KP, 1 taim control with2-3 tasks at the end of distance,0,18 km from finish to start place.
Pre-O 2-nd distance: forest mostly coniferous, lots of young forest.Unpaved roads, good visibility. Max climb 5% - 70 m, 1,3 km 25 KP; 2 time controls with 2 tasks at the finish, 0,55 km from finish to start place. Punching with composters.
Temp-O distance: open area with trees, sandy tracks.6-7 stations with 4-5 tasks every.
Map scale 1:4000. Contour interval 2.5 m, mapped by Atis Rukšāns May 2017.
Competition rules
The Competition Rules for IOF Trail Orienteering Events.
Applications and participation fee
Preliminary entries must be sent until 26 of June to e-mail or Online entry
All competitors must pay start fee of 30 Euro, one course start – 10 Euro.
Start fee is paid on the day of competition, in registration office or by transfer to account of society TACIŅA
- Biedrība “TACIŅA”
- ID.Nr.
- 40008177838
- Address
- „Birzes”-3, Sējas novads, LV-2142
- Bank
- SEB banka
- code
- account
- LV46UNLA0050017071829